Asentamiento Tarahumares A.C.

Before the disturbing migration of the Rarámuri community to the city of Chihuahua, a group of people led by the Jesuit missionaries, observed that their conditions of poverty, marginalization and life worsened, for what constituted “AC Tarahumares Settlements” with the objective of changing this reality.

Currently it is estimated that in Chihuahua capital live an average of 1000 Tarahumara families (5000 people approx.) In more than 100 irregular settlements, unhealthy and with a high degree of marginalization and backwardness.


The objective of the work in the association is to enable them to achieve a better quality of life, that is, in decent housing and human, work, family, health, sports, non-addictions and nutrition. Most importantly, support for single mothers with permanent work on the cajeta project and goat milk cheeses.

Single women by ages

13-17 years: 1 woman
18-25 years: 12 women
26-35 years: 11 women
36-55 years: 10 women
Total: 34 women



  1. antesB
  2. antes


  1. despuesB
  2. despues